Hello, World~

I am a fourth-year undergraduate at UW-Madison, aspiring to pursue my interests in computer graphics and computational mathematics. I am especially interested in physics-based simulation, numerical linear algebra (e.g. sparse matrix factorization/reordering and iterative methods), topology optimization, numerical analysis and physics-informed neural network. I am also constantly exploring new topics within graphics and computational math!

I have done several research spanning from material science to fluid dynamics to computer vision before finally finding my passion in computer graphics and computational math. See my research page for more details (page still under construction)!

I am currently applying for grad school for fall 2025 and also potentially an internship in spring and summer 2025.

My email address is liu2256 [at] wisc [dot] edu.

Side note

I am a huge history fan. Check out the History page (under construction) on my website!